Monday, January 4, 2010


disclaimer: this bit of writing will be nonsense, or, at best, something moderately clever born on a whim and shoved out into the world without much thought, like an orphan who attends community college. Which, actually, is not all that different from any of my other posts. I only mention it because I opened up this blank page for no reason, and after a few moments of staring at a blinking line I decided to start typing. And this is what's coming out. Ludicrous similes and all. I'm starting off my blog for 2010 on an excellent note, I think.

I'm not sure how this has happened, but I'm engaged in an awkward conversation with my blog right now. So, ugh, yeah, umm, I mean, yeah.... 2010! whooo hooo!!! Yeaaaa!! yay. achem. yeah...



ok see you later.


jessie lynn said...

That was actually quite a clever way to begin your 2010 posts: you're sure to only go up from here. Ha! Cheers to a wonderful year ahead, full of many words, the nonsensical ones, as well as those that make more sense strung together than we knew we were even capable of creating!

Anonymous said...

i'm a big fan of this post. also i hope we live in the same city some day soon.